Thank God for Easter Eggs

Thank God for Easter Eggs


Boiled eggs, fruit and oatmeal. Almost every ‘lifestyle’ meal plan I read calls for egg consumption. (Talk about he benefit of eggs)

The issue is that I hate eggs. I teach my children not to use that word, but I hate eggs, so there! I haven’t liked them since a very early age when they’d force us to eat them in preschool, always paired with my favorite – pancakes.

My baby son was just cleared of his egg allergy as we had an alliance, but now he’s ready to explore. While dying eggs for our annual Easter Egg Hunt he asked me about my egg allergy. Sigh…I don’t have one though, so I just explained why I don’t like them.

I just don’t like the way it feels in my mouth, and that middle part is smelly to me!

Apparently that wasn’t enough and he challenged me to try an egg with him as his allergy free first time! He’s only 8 – I’m going to have to channel this art of persuasion to win souls for Christ and early retirement for he and his future wife.

He was so brave. I was such a whimp – squirming and finally jumping up and down while the rubber white piece as big as my thumbnail entered my mouth.

Hey that actually doesn’t taste so bad at all!

Thank God for BK, his persuasion, and Easter Eggs!

Now I’m not afraid to get that protein that my body so deserves!

What childhood yucky food do you refuse to eat and why won’t you try it one more time? I’d love to read your responses.

Author: admindrashanti